Knowledge Centre

Starting a business can be cheaper than you think during Covid-19 pandemic

Thousands of new businesses open every day. If all those people can do it, why not you? Here’s what to do, and when. (Xero) Small businesses play a critical role in the Australian economy. They employ nearly 5 million Australians. They account for about one-third of private (non-financial) output,...


Incomplete and missing tax invoices. Regular reconciliations not being completed. Treating employees as subcontractors. Not recording all sales through the cash register. Using unreported cash sales to fund personal expenses. Compulsory superannuation guarantee payments not made on behalf of employees. Directors fees paid without making PAYG deductions. Employees...

25 CLAIMS Individual and Business should know

Claiming self-education expenses when there is no nexus to earning income. Claiming home office expenses where the house is not a place of business. Claiming a tax deduction for superannuation guarantee payments that were paid late. Claiming repairs on rental properties which are clearly improvements or renovations. Claiming...

Legal principles Contractors Versus Employee

The courts start from a position of determining whether a common law employment relationship exists, as opposed to a principal/independent contractor relationship. In a common law employment relationship there is a ‘contract of service’. A ‘contract of service’ is based on a ‘mutuality of obligation’; that is, the employer...